Frequently asked questions

What to expect, how to take part and why you should get involved

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1. Taking Part

What is a medical device study?

Human factors (or usability) studies are intended to demonstrate the performance of a device or medical product whilst remaining within an environment that simulates its real environment of use and by the variety of people who are potential users. A well-designed study will identify any safety or application problems. It can include user interaction with devices, systems, software, apps, and instructions for use. Stringent regulations ensure participant protection and ethical conduct throughout evaluations, maintaining the highest standards of research integrity.

Who can take part?

All medical device studies encompass a diverse range of conditions and subject matters, welcoming participants of all backgrounds. When you register with Aderico Medical, you join our candidate database, and we carefully match you against the set recruitment criteria. We're constantly looking to expand our volunteer pool, so please consider sharing our opportunities with your friends and family—your recommendations mean a lot to us!

What happens when I register with Aderico Medical?

Upon registering with Aderico Medical, your information is securely stored in our database. If you match a study, our recruitment team will contact you, provide study details, and confirm your eligibility. You may need to complete a screening form. Once you agree to participate, we'll share study specifics and a scheduling link. Our team is available to assist and answer your questions, ensuring your comfort throughout the process.

Do I need to travel to a specific location to take part?

For the most part, our medical device evaluations are conducted in person at a designated location. This approach allows our clients to seamlessly conduct consecutive sessions in a controlled environment, typically within a specially arranged viewing space tailored for such studies. However, we also recruit for remote studies that can occur at a participant's residence (or workplace for healthcare professionals). The feasibility of remote studies depends on the specific study requirements and the type of participants needed

How much time will it take?

The duration of study sessions varies based on the unique requirements and criteria of each study. Normally, a session can last anywhere from 1 to 3 hours. However, in some cases, studies may encompass several hours, extend over multiple days, or even span across several months to achieve completion.

Is there an incentive provided for taking part?

The majority of our research studies depend on the valuable contributions of volunteers to advance the development of device usability. We offer a compensation package to participants to cover travel expenses and time commitment required for the study. The recruitment team will provide you with detailed information regarding the specific financial reimbursements available, as these can vary depending on the particulars of each study.

How will the incentive be paid?

Incentive fees and travel expenses are typically disbursed through direct bank transfers, with payments usually processed within three business days following the completion of the study. Our recruitment team will securely collect your bank details during the recruitment process, typically in the days leading up to your scheduled study session. To prioritize security, this information is gathered over the phone, and it's important to note that we do not retain or store your bank details.

Can I take part more than once?

Yes, We have a growing cohort of participants who generously contribute their time to engage in various studies regularly. However, to maintain impartiality, we restrict participation in studies with similar product types. As a general guideline, participants are typically ineligible if they have taken part in a comparable study within the past 3-6 months.

What if I am ill on the day of the study?

If you find yourself unwell on the day of the study, it's crucial to notify our team promptly. We are committed to providing the precise number of participants required for each study, and it's essential that all scheduled participants are available. In exceptional situations where a participant cannot attend, informing our recruitment team immediately is vital. We maintain a pool of backup participants who can step in on short notice to ensure the study proceeds as planned in such circumstances. Your prompt communication helps us maintain the study's integrity and meet our contractual obligations.

Will I get to see the results of the study?

At present, we do not have the capability to share the results of individual studies with participants, primarily due to client confidentiality and sponsor-imposed restrictions. Some studies span over several years, making it challenging to adhere to specific publication timelines. Nevertheless, please know that your contribution to advancing healthcare is invaluable and greatly appreciated.

2. Your Consent

Your permission

Before you can participate in a study, your complete consent is essential. You will receive comprehensive information about the study's requirements, purpose, and any associated risks. Typically, this information is provided via an informed consent form provided by the end client, ensuring you have a clear understanding of what to anticipate. Additionally, due to the confidential nature of some studies, you may also be requested to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) or a privacy agreement.

What are the risks?

Ensuring the reliability of our research results is paramount, which is why each study undergoes meticulous design and, in some cases, a pilot phase to identify and address potential risks prior to commencement. Any associated risks are transparently outlined in the informed consent form, and it's worth noting that these risks are generally minimal. You always have the option to decline participation in any study if you so choose. It's important to recognize that the level of risk in a study may be higher when the product being tested is relatively new and less is known about it, such as in cases where testing is being conducted on a novel device.

How will my data be used?

The registration form and study specific screening questionnaires request a range of personal data to be submitted. This is to ensure we recruit the relevant people for each study and make sure that a sample of each user group is provided. All details provided are confidential and kept on a secure server accessible by the study and recruitment team only. Once the study has taken place no specific or identifiable information is shared in the reporting and participants are referred to by group type only.

3. Study Types

New product versus product enhancements

In some research studies, the focus is not solely on evaluating the usability of entirely new products; instead, they may involve soliciting user feedback on incremental updates made to an existing product that is already available in the market. The objective is to investigate the effects of these modifications across diverse user groups, aiming to optimize the product's performance and user experience for its intended audience

Are these clinical trials?

These are not clinical trials. Our research studies exclusively center around assessing the usability of medical or pharmaceutical products, with a specific emphasis on examining particular features or functionalities of these devices. While occasionally we may conduct research involving a comprehensive evaluation of the entire user experience, it's important to note that you will always be provided with clear information about the study's purpose and your role as a participant, ensuring that you can make an informed decision about your participation.

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